Hi Tommy,
Just got off the hill after the traverse of the Chamonix Aiguilles. Started at the Midi on Wednesday evening with a bivi on the terraces, climbed over the Plan, Crocodile, Caiman, Chevalier, Lepiney, Fou, Cissaux, and bivvied at the Breche Blatiere on top of the Spencer Couloir on Thurs night. Long night, cold, poor ledge, had to keep the rope on as not to roll off in the night!
Early doors start on Fri (yesterday), rapped down ridge and Spencer Couloir before the sun came onto it so as to avoid the rock fall, crossed Nantillions and up to the Grepon via Knubel Crack, traverse of the Grepon and Charmoz in reverse, some mind-focusing run-outs!! Topped out on the Charmoz about 3pm, rapped the Cordier Pillar and down the bottom of Nantillions, dodging the bowling alley of fridge-size rocks!!
Came down through the Montenvers woods last night and in bed here at 11pm. Awesome!
All the best,
While many might consider it normal to follow that with a rest day, a pizza and a few beers, Mr Thomas was straight back at it the next day. Great work Mark and long may your front points remain sharp!